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A ____________________ is usually the most unique page on your site , giving visitors an immediate sense of who you are as an organization .

A ____________________ ____________________ is typically located in the upper right - hand corner of the website ? s header and usually includes some sort of magnifying glass icon .

A ____________________ can be a very diverse piece of a website and typically appears on the majority of a site ? s internal or child pages . It is used to house important pieces of information that an organization doesn ? t want to get lost within the body .

If someone is on a page about a nonprofit ? s mission , the ____________________ at the top might say Mission and Vision < About Us < Home . It ? s an additional ( but optional ) way to let users understand where they are located on your site .

Similar to the header , the ____________________ stays the same page to page , but it appears at the very bottom of every single page of the website rather than the top .

____________________ ____________________ reveal themselves when a user rolls over a primary navigation item , showing a list of child pages ( so named since they stem from the parent pages ) .

____________________ allow website users to get from one web page to the next . They can be in the form of text or an image and are typically highlighted in some way , using color to make the words stand out from static copy or making the text look like it ? s in a button .

All websites should have ____________________ ____________________ , which is a list of prominent links toward the top of the page , with titles that help users determine where they want to go from wherever they are at on the site .

____________________ navigation is typically found in the website header above the primary navigation . It can include helpful items for users that maybe need to be highlighted .

A ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ is exactly what it sounds like ; it usually says something like ? download ? , ? log in ? , ? subscribe ? , ? sign up for our newsletter ? , ? donate ? or ? volunteer ? .

A website ____________________ is located at the top of each page of the website and contains an organization ? s logo and navigation , creating a central hub to get elsewhere on the website .

A ____________________ ____________________ is the slight animation that is triggered when a user rolls their cursor over a link to help visitors know what is clickable and what is not .

If a site visitor is on the ? About Us ? page , the ? About Us ? link in the header would have some sort of ____________________ ____________________ activated . The text may be bold , underlined , a different color or all of the above .