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1. I'm going to talk about
sobre vvoy va vhablar
2. The languages that are spoken
hablan LLos Lse Lque Lidiomas
3. I'm visiting Costa Rica with my friends
Rica eamigos evisitando eestoy emis econ eCosta
4. Food is extremely tasy
La Lcomida Lestá Lriquísima
5. the people are very nice
gente Lsimpática LLa Les Lmuy
6. I'm going to talk about how I communicate
cómo Va VVoy Vcontar Vcomunico Vme
7. I use my Spanish knowledge
de uespañol uconocimientos uuso umis
8. that I have learnt
he qaprendido qque
9. I make a lot of mistakes
errores cmuchos ccometo
10. I said "I'm pregnant" instead of I'm embarrassed
estoy den d"estoy dembarazada" dvez davergonzada ddije dde
11. but they understood me
me ppero pentendieron
12. every country have different celebrations according to their country
celebraciones ttodos tcon tlos tde tdiferentes tpaíses tsu tacuerdo ttienen tpaís
13. I'd recommend everyone to travel
el rrecomendaría rmundo ra rviajar rtodos
14. to have an open mind
abierta ttener tuna tmente
15. Before I hadn't visited
antes ano avisitado ahabía
16. I have loved it
me mha mencantado