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You know , I'd like to tell you a hilarious story . One day I woke up early at ____________________ and looked out of the window . Can you imagine what I saw ? Oh , I saw a pretty ____________________ hanging from the top of my window . I thought to myself , 'How could a ____________________ choose such a strange place ? ' . After a ____________________ , I noticed a bird of ____________________ flying some 10 metres high from the pretty little cover . I was happy to see the bird couldn't catch sight of it . Well , feeling satisfied , I went to sleep . And you know what dream I had ____________________ ? You won't believe it ! In my dream I was shooting at ____________________ which looked like . . . ____________________ ! ! They were all placed on a magical ____________________ with huge plants and incredible ____________________ ! . . . I just couldn't find the right ____________________ on the glade because it was . . . moving all the time ! ! . . . But , happily , it was just a dream . Ater I woke up at noon , I sat still in my bed for some time thinking about the experience .
To make a long story ____________________ , never study or work too much if you don't want to see ____________________ for shooting or enormous ____________________ in you dream . . .