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____________________ forms . Blood from the marrow cavity , ____________________ ____________________ , and periosteum surround . A clot contains cells and ____________________ . The second step is the ____________________ ____________________ formation . Formation of callus between bone . ____________________ cells dissolve clots . ____________________ dissolve damaged bone . ____________________ produce collagen mass . Periosteum and endosteum cells differentiate into chondroblasts . They produce ____________________ . Endosteum cells differentiate into osteoblasts . External callus formation is the formation of a callus around the bone . Same as internal callus but forms a collar around the fracture . ____________________ ____________________ is similar to ossification of fetal bone . Forms bone in a more ____________________ pattern , it is not as strong . Remodeling of bone is the formation of lamellar bone . Osteoclast and osteoblast activity allows the return of the marrow cavity . Can take up to ____________________ year .