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1. What is the correct temperature that frozen food should be kept at?
degrees eighteen than Less
2. Where should raw meat be stored in a refrigerator?
food cooked bottom At the below
3. Which one of the following jewellery is acceptable for a food handler to wear?
them None of
4. What do you see in this image?
to his wash to hands He going toilet has after the
5. Can I wear a plain wedding band if I'm a food handler?
food when handling aren't allowed Rings
6. Sometimes our kitchen equipment may lose small pieces
physical a hazard It's
7. Chemical hazards may include lots of substances
fertilisers, and hazards chemical Soap are pesticides
8. Why food handlers should wear their hair up with a hat or hairnet?
microorganisms food contaminate contains that can Hair
9. How many hazards do you know?
hazards, and biological chemical Physical