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Jouer Ordonner les Mots
1. Order the sentence properly:
when Mwas Ma Mfather MMy Mhe Ma Mbig Min Mhouse Mlived Mchild
2. Order the sentence properly:
dad Musually MMy Meats Mdinner Mtomatoes Mfor M
3. Order the sentence properly:
cousins Hyour Hgrandparents Hoften HHow Hyou Hyour Hvisit Hand Hdo H? H
4. Order the sentence properly:
the D Dwith Dto DDid Dyour Dyesterday Dfriends Dgo Dcinema Dyou? D
5. Order the sentence properly:
best Win WWho Wpast Wfriend Wthe Wyour Wwas? W W
6. Order the sentence properly
the Wwent Wtime WWhen Wlast Wwas Wthe Wsupermarket Wto Wyou? W W
7. Order the sentence properly
new Mbought Msome Min Mpresents MMargaret Mshop Mand Msister M Mthat MMy
8. Order the sentence properly
next Ware WWhere Wstudy Wyou Wyear Wgoing Wto? W W
9. Order the sentence properly:
your Dfriends DDo Dfamily Dlike Dcooking Dyou Dwith Dyour Dand D? D
10. Order the sentence:
travelled WWhen Wwas Wtime Wplane Wby Wthe Wlast Wyou? W W
11. Order the sentence:
bigger MLa Mis MUnion Mtown Mthan MMy
12. Order the sentence
life Tis Tcity Thave Tthe Tmy TI TThis Tin Tbest Tvisited
13. Order the sentence
you DDo Dlike Dfriends Dletters Dyour Dto Dwriting? D D
14. Order the sentence
city Iknow Ithat Imore Iabout Ito II Iwould Ilike
15. Order the sentence
study WWhen WFrench Wwill Wyou W? W
16. Order the sentence:
and, M MFred Mfriends MMargaret MTom Mwere Mreally Mgood
17. Order the sentence:
of Da Dlike Dcountries Dyou DDo Dvisiting Dlot? D D
18. Order the sentence:
the Hoften Hyou Hto HHow Hsupermarket Hdo Hgo? H H
19. Order the sentence
My Molder Mand Mare Mmy Mbrother Msister Mthan Mme
20. Order the sentence
homework Ytheir Ydo YYour Yfriends Ysometimes
21. Order the sentence
are Wyou Wholidays Wwhen Wdoing Wlike WWhat Won Wyou Wdo? W W
22. Order the sentence
Why Ware Wtoday Wyou Whappy? W
23. Order the sentence
going Wyou Ware Wfor WChristmas Wdo WWhat Wto? W W
24. Order the sentence
homework Wusually Wdo Wyou Wdo WWhen Wyour? W
25. Order the sentence
visited M Mthat Mnever Mfriends Mcity MMy