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1 . There were very ____________________ people at the party when we arrived , but half an hour later it was crowded .
2 . How was I to know that she would have an allergic reaction ____________________ the nuts in the cake ? She should have said something !
3 . Arthritis is a very painful ____________________ that affects not only the old but also many younger people making many everyday activities difficult .
4 . He said he couldn't come to the meeting because of a previous engagement but I think he is just ____________________ excuses .
5 . You were driving at over fifty miles ____________________ / ____________________ hour and the limit here is only forty .
6 . I ____________________ / ____________________ / ____________________ to go to school now , otherwise I will be late .
7 . I can eat almost ____________________ type of fish or seafood except for octopus which I can't stand .
8 . The city is pretty safe although you may have some problems if you go into certain neighbourhoods ____________________ night .