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1. Push factors
2. Pull factors

"My country was at war, so I moved to a new country with less conflict"

""My parents moved our family to a new country that had better job opportunities"

"My grandfather moved away from his home country because he didn't want to live in poverty anymore"

"My dad moved to America because he could earn more money here"

"My grandmother moved to a new country where she felt she could have a greater quality life"

"There were very few jobs in my field in my country, so I moved somewhere where I could find a job"

"I moved to America after high school so I could go to college and get a good education"

""People were starving in Ireland due to a famine, so my family moved to America"

"After my father spoke out against our government, we fled to a new country so we wouldn't be persecuted"

"Many pilgrims moved to America hundreds of years ago so they could have religious freedom"