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1. Andrea
your wname wwhat wis? w
2. Fine, thank you.
how htoday hare hyou? h
3. From Italy.
are wfrom wyou wwhere? w
4. In Milan.
do wlive wwhere wyou? w
5. In a flat.
a dlive dflat ddo dor din dyou da dhouse din? d
6. In the city centre.
London ware wyou wliving win wwhere? w
7. I read a lot and play volleyball.
time wdo wyou wyour wdo wfree wwhat win? w
8. Because I want to travel and English helps.
are wyou wEnglish wwhy wstudying? w
9. I love science fiction films.
do wfilms wof wyou wwatch wwhat wkind? w
10. cofee and cereal
you wbreakfast whave wdid wfor wwhat? w
11. Yes, I watched the news.
last dtelevision dyou dnight ddid dwatch? d