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Open ended question that prompts more than a "Yes" or "No" answer. Engaging questions give entrepreneurs more information they can use to help them frame their differentiating offering and launch their business.

Launch Plan

Individuals and companies often promise to keep information they learn secret. This promise is often formalized this promise by signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (or NDA). Example: the bank signs an NDA when an entrepreneur submits lots of personal information on a bank loan application.

Go / No Go


Engaging Question


Proper business behavior beyond complying with legal requirements. A simple rule guides business ethics, the same basic rule that should guide all human behavior: act towards your stakeholders as you would hope they would act towards you.

The decision point at which an entrepreneur makes the final decision on whether or not to launch a new enterprise or abort the effort due to unfavorable market research or pro forma projections

How a business communicates to large numbers of customers, motivating them to learn more about the business and its offerings. Example: advertising is a marketing tool. (TV, Radio, Signs, Flyers)


Business Ethics

When an entrepreneur’s actions and decisions are guided by a set of beliefs about how he / she wants the business to succeed.

Elevator Speech

A clear, concise and compelling way to describe a business or new business concept in 30 seconds; a differentiating vision to encourage potential investors or employees to learn more.

A complete package that supports a "Go" decision by an entrepreneur to launch a new business. A launch plan would include an Elevator Speech, supporting Market Research conclusions, an Organizational Plan (including an organizational chart and a Human Capital plan for attracting talented team members), a Marketing and Sales Plan, and pro forma financial projections.