Créer une activité
Jouer Mots Croisés
1 Stay off phone, don't study with people if that distracts you, choose a good setting to study
2 It is different for everyone but it is important to find a good one for you.
3 Make sure you know when your assignments are due and you plan enough time to complete them and study for tests
4 Ex: Self-testing, teaching someone else, create concept maps, relate it to you, create study guide
5 Study for a short period of time multiple days for a specific class
6 Preview material, go to class, review, study, check understanding
7 Working and reworking problems will help you understand how to solve problems better than listening for classes like chemistry
8 Take advantage of __ during the semester and start early on larger assignments or knock out quick ones.
9 Switch up your __ when studying if you notice a decline in focus in current study spot
10 Survey: Skim book, Question: Form chapter questions, Read, Recite: Identify information in your own words, Review: Quiz yourself or re-read