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The FDA suggests following 3 ways to ____________________ food safely :
1 . Thaw the product under ____________________ running water .
2 . Thaw the product in the ____________________ .
3 . Cook product directly from a ____________________ state .

As food cooks , ____________________ destroys the ____________________ hazards that are present in food . Food service professionals use instant - read ____________________ to measure the temperature of food .

According to the FDA , food held hot must maintain an internal temperature of at least ____________________ . ____________________ ovens and ____________________ tables are designed to do this . If proper handling temperatures are not maintained , food can venture into the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .

If food is not cooled properly it can be a breeding ground for biological hazards . Techniques for chilling food safely include :
1 . Place food in ____________________ pans for cooling .
2 . Place the food in an ____________________ - ____________________ - ____________________ and stir ingredients ____________________ .
3 . Place food in a ____________________ chiller or other ____________________ cooking equipment .

TCS foods must be stored at or below ____________________ . All coolers and freezers should have a thermometer installed or placed in the ____________________ location of the unit . It is important not to overload or otherwise restrict ____________________ .

Reheated food must be heated to an internal temperature of ____________________ for at least 15 seconds . Food may be reheated only ____________________ .