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Text book

Buring desire

Black Beauty




Don't Let me be misunderstood


Summer bummer

Let's skip the games, let's quit the playin' Boo, let's get acquainted (What?)

To seem like cherries in the spring Darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

You're how I'm living When all my friends say I should take some space

I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast I am alone at midnight

There's only 24 hours in a day

You've got a Thunderbird, my daddy had one too Let's rewrite history, I'll do this dance with you

We did it for fun, we did it for free I did it for you, you did it for me

Oh-oh-baby, I'm just human Don't you know I have faults like anyone?

I drive fast, wind in my hair, push it to the limits 'cause I just don't care