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Q: What should happen if you get caught shoplifting from a store?

Q: How should vandals be punished?

Q: Should they arrest drivers who get caught speeding?

Q: What punishment should you get for robbing someone?

Q: Should all murderers be sentenced to life in prison?

I don’t know. Some people get sentenced to only 10 or 15 years for murder. Killing another person is the worst crime, but it’s a complex issue.

I think shoplifters should be fined at first, but if they get caught stealing again and again, they should go to jail.

Well, vandalism can be serious, so they should pay for any damage. And vandals should be made to clean up any graffiti they paint.

You don’t usually get arrested for speeding unless you cause an accident, and that seems fair. But if you get stopped a lot, you should lose your license.

That depends. If you commit armed robbery, you know, use a gun or a knife, you should be sent to prison.