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Water is a very important ____________________ ____________________ , and we need to take care ____________________ it . People , animals , plants , and trees all need ____________________ to live and ____________________ . We also need water to ____________________ us clean and ____________________ and to wash our things . To get clean rainwater we need clean ____________________ .

Most ____________________ the water we drink ____________________ from ____________________ . There are drops of rain in clouds above us . When ____________________ falls ____________________ dirty air , it ____________________ dirty . When rain falls through clean air , it doesn't get ____________________ .

Sometimes people don't take care ____________________ water . They use too much water or throw ____________________ in it and make it dirty . Sometimes oil goes into the sea ____________________ big ships , and this makes the water dirty . Dirty water ____________________ healthy for people , fish , birds , and ____________________ animals .

We need to ____________________ ____________________ of water because all ____________________ things need it .