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1. computer-generated speech
2. artificial intelligence (AI)
3. chatbot
4. image recognition
5. voice activation
6. computer translation
7. beta version
8. facial recognition
9. operating system (OS)
10. virtual assistant
11. working prototype

useful for people who are driving

a computer program

known as a voice output device

understands spoken questions and answers

labels objects and categorizes them

helps people translate language

has some qualities that the human mind has

designed to help you make plans

controls how the computer memory is used

a set of programs

used to learn from or market to companies

form of language translation

product problems are corrected at this stage

part of the study of computer science

customers are asked to use and test the product

a computer program or device

recognizes a digital image

quicker than manually typing out words

spell checkers are an example

sometimes called machine intelligence

uses your face instead of using a password

similar to a voice recognition device

controls the way a computer works

a software that can recognize images

identifies objects by shape and size

designed or produced using a computer

translates written text into speech

designed product is built and tested

the first example of something

something at its second stage of development

designed to have a conversation with a human

used in self-driving cars

happens over the internet