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Everything is made up of ____________________ , whether a solid , liquid or a gas . ____________________ have a regular shape , the particles are packed in a ____________________ pattern . They cannot be compressed - the particles are as close together as they can possibly get . Solids are ____________________ , there is very little space between the particles .
Liquids take up the shape of the bottom of a ____________________ in which you place them , the particles are not in any fixed position . Liquids are very difficult to ____________________ , as the particles cannot get much closer . Liquids are quite dense , there is not much empty space between the particles .
Gases have no shape , they fill up whatever space is available as the particles move ____________________ around in all directions . Gases are ____________________ compressed , the particles have large spaces between them , so it is easy to push them closer together . They have very ____________________ densities - there are huge amounts of space between particles .