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My sister , Melissa , is the most talented member of my ____________________ family . She's a great musician .
My mother's sister , Jessica , is my ____________________ . I'm Jessica's favorite ____________________ .
Jessica's ____________________ , Max , is my mother's brother - in - law and my ____________________ .
Max and Jessica's son , Evan , is my ____________________ .
Evan is my mother's only ____________________ .
My parennts got divorced when I was 12 . My father later married Helena . She's my ____________________ .
My father and his ____________________ wife had twin boys . Keith and Noah . They're my ____________________ ____________________ .
With Helena , Keith , and Noah , I grew up in a ____________________ family .
Helena has a ____________________ from her first marriage . Her name is Kristen . She's my father's ____________________ .
My great - grandmother , ____________________ , is the oldest member of my ____________________ family . She's my grandmother's mother .