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Our Vision for ____________________ is Discover Together , and our pedagogical principles are ____________________ , ____________________ and ____________________ . As part of the IDEAS process , we are working on the phases :
- ____________________ ? applying the Vision and Schoolwide Pedagogy .
- ____________________ ? continuous refinement by teachers and systematic evaluation .

HOLAs are continuing to lead the VFL in their Learning Areas by choosing one or two ____________________ ____________________ to focus on in Semester 2 . Staff are encouraged to develop their teaching practice , try out pedagogical ____________________ and share their learning .

The IDEAS Team are exploring school wide focus areas around :

1 . Student ____________________ and student agency . This includes character ____________________ and culturally responsive pedagogies .

2 . Student ____________________ and learning environment . This includes ____________________ work and use of learning spaces .

3 . ____________________ of teacher practices and assessment . This includes researching staff ____________________ learning and lesson observation feedback .

VFL continues to be an ongoing focus in CC and All Staff meetings and is a ____________________ responsibility !