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Jouer Ordonner les Mots
1. apologize
I, Sorry that to do mean didn’t.
2. answer apologize
really It. mind Never
doesn’t matter.
3. apologize
forgive Can me you?
4. answer
it Forget!
5. complain
a seems be problem to with… There
6. Answer complaint
make sorry, the again mistake to promise same never I’m we.
7. Asking for help
bother to Sorry you but…
8. Answer help
nothing, there can about is do we it Sorry.
9. Asking for instructions
how me to… Can show you?
10. Answer instructions
would I by… start
11. Asking for help
of… Would there possibility
be any
12. Answer help
to…, glad I’d be Sure
13. Asking for help
could… you think Do you?
14. Answer help
loved I’d …, but to
15. Ask for instructions
What way to… best is the?
16. Answer instructions
all the completed When steps, you’ve