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1. Uniform Motion (UM)
2. Acceleration
3. Uniform Accelerated Motion (UAM)
4. Velocity
5. Speeding up (accelerating)
6. Slowing down (decelerating)

When a car is moving West at 14 m/s^2

An object moves equal distances per unit of time.

When a car is moving East at -4 m/s^2

Is the slope of a graph when displacement is in the y axis and time in the x axis.

Is any change in the velocity vector, magnitude or direction.

Measures the change in displacement per unit of time.

The acceleration is constant.

A car moving right increasing its velocity constantly.

A car moving left increasing its velocity constantly.

Measures the change in velocity per unit of time.

In this motion the magnitude of the velocity is the speed.

The velocity of an object is constant.

The velocity increases or decreases constantly.