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1. 看守大門的老先生離奇地消失了。
mysteriously The man old the gate guarding disappeared.
2. 老師要求我們寫一篇由十個句子組成的文章。
to an of essay sentences consisting us teacher asked write The ten.
3. 上週被綁架的小女孩自己逃出來了。
week her girl own The escaped on last kidnapped.
4. 這位作家所創作的許多角色都有不為人知的祕密。
Many characters by this secrets dark writer created have.
5. 被颱風破壞的建築物已經被修復了。
repaired been have damaged typhoon by Buildings the.
from The red girl scarf friend wearing a my work is.
my was police arrested the man The neighbor by.
drawn picture is a by actually my niece The treasure map.
famous actor comedian hosting The tonight a event the is also.
been sheep ten with has The the dog years watching for over family my.