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1. Present Simple (?)
usually Do the home evening you stay at in?
2. Present simple (?)
Colombia from boyfriend Is your?
3. Present simple
I I with I people with the, never out them like work but go.
4. Imperative (+)
Open 64 to your books page.
5. Imperative (-)
the don't Please baby wake.
6. Present simple question, Can
have Can cookies some I?
7. Present simple, can (-)
listen You to here music can't.
8. Present simple, Can (-)
football street the on play can't You.
9. Present simple (Like, Love, Hate)
new job a office hates in an because all wants day sitting Emma she.
10. Present simple (Like, Love, Hate)
on up getting the early weekend children My hate.
11. Present continuous (+)
in office today working the She's.
12. Present continuous (-)
cold the to beach today too aren't going because We it's.
13. Present continuous (?)
in today Guayaquil Is raining it?
14. Present simple, there is (+)
a building floor on the of second There's restaurant the.
15. Present simple, there is (-)
shirts in closet any There clean the aren't.