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1. What technology has enabled us to increase the popularity of genealogy as a hobby?
made Thistory TInternet Tfamily Teasier Thas TThe Tsearch Tfor Tthe. T
2. What has Dr Wells been doing with the information collected about DNA?
has Hunderstand Husing Hto Hinformation Hbeen Hthis Hgenealogy Hhuman HHe. H
3. What have Dr Wells and his team been investigating since 1996?
scientists Talmost Tmigration T3 Tstudying TThese Thuman Tbeen Tdecades Tfor Thave. T
4. Order the question
information WDNA Whas Wwith WWhat Wdoing Wbeen Wabout WWells WDr Wthe? W
5. Order the question
of Wa Wgenealogy Wpopularity Whobby Wto Wtechnology WWhat Whas Wus Wenabled Was Wincrease Wthe? W
6. Order the question
What Whis Wsince Winvestigating Wbeen Whave Wand W1996 WDr Wteam WWells? W