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Human Rights in the Workplace
Right to Equality
European equality laws prohibit ____________________ on the basis of what is known as a ? protected characteristic . ? This includes gender , sex , sexual ____________________ , race and ____________________ belief .
Discrimination against those with disabilities is also forbidden .
Right to Equality in the Recruitment Process
Companies and other ____________________ organisations are not allowed to unfairly ____________________ against potential employees on the basis of a protected characteristic . Many black and ethnic ____________________ ( BAME ) candidates experience hidden discrimination when applying for jobs . Recruiters for certain types of jobs also exhibit gender bias .
Equal Pay for Equal Work
The right to ____________________ means that two people who are ____________________ the same , or equivalent job function should be ____________________ the same amount .
Maternity Rights
Maternity leave , and the subsequent ____________________ to work are key times when ____________________ experience ____________________ discrimination in the work place .
Protection Against Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is where an individual engages in unwanted behaviour of a ____________________ nature , with the purpose or effect of violating someone ? s dignity , or creating an ____________________ , hostile , degrading , humiliating or offensive ____________________ for the individual concerned .
Right to Respect for Religious Beliefs
This right includes the entitlement to observe your religious ____________________ at work .
Right to be Paid Fairly for your Work
The right to receive fair ____________________ and working conditions means that states are obliged to ensure that workers receive a minimum wage which is sufficient to support themselves and their families . Paying a worker less than ____________________ minimum wage is a criminal ____________________ .
Right to Strike Against Unfair Working Conditions
The right to ____________________ , or bring collective action is protected in international human rights law .