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The Wandering Mind

The Conversation Starter

The Interrupter

The Braggart

The Bore

The Complimenter

When it comes to conversation, a this kind of person is a natural. They can chat up a storm with just about anyone, a pro at listening. They love meeting and connecting with new people. This kind of person tries out different topics to get a conversation going.

When conversing with people, your mind tends to wander and lose focus on the entire conversation? Have you been in the middle of a discussion, supposedly paying attention, but your mind has long since wandered off, thinking about all the things you need to do? Have you noticed that everyone is looking your way expectantly, waiting for an answer but you’re staring blankly, trying to give a semi-coherent response? Then yes, you are this kind of person

All of us have known colleagues or friends who seem unable to let us finish a sentence. This kind of person is often someone who is super-smart and whose brain is working much faster than the other people in the room. They want to keep everything moving at a faster clip, so often they will interrupt to make that happen, or they could just have bad manners!

During a conversation, have you noticed people looking everywhere but at you? Or maybe you have noticed that their tone of voice screams “I’d rather be anywhere else right now”. Perhaps they seem they’re about to fall asleep while you’re discussing the cosmos. Well, these are signs that you are this kind of person.

Someone who views each piece of small talk as a chance for supreme conversational dominance. Someone who just can’t abandon any chance to prove how much smarter, better, wealthier, more fortunate, less fortunate, or sicker he or she is than anyone else. Someone who continuously boasts and brags about almost every aspect of his life is definitely this kind of person.

This kind os person pays compliments whenever he sincerely can. If someone looks smart, has lost weight, has a stylish new haircut or has had some achievement, he will show that he has noticed by giving a genuine compliment.