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seminal vesicle

vas deferens

the sperm produced in the testicles travels from the epididymis to the urethra through the vas deferens, where it mixes with the fluids produced by the seminal vesicles and the prostate. This mixture is called semen

Men have two seminal vesicles. These glands secrete a fluid that protects and nourishes the sperm and that becomes part of the semen

Men have two epididymides that store, transport, and bring sperm to maturity

It carries urine out of a man's body. It also carries semen into a woman's vagina during sexual intercourse

It is a gland located under the bladder that produces a fluid, which mixes with the seminal vesicle fluid to make semen

It is the tube inside the penis that carries urine and semen out of the body

It is a sac that protects the testicles and the epididymides. The scrotum controls the temperature of the testicles

the testes or testicles produce sex cells called sperms. They also produce testosterone, an important hormone for boys' sexual development