Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
Complete with quantifiers

We spent ____________________ our money . ( todo )
____________________ people are going to the show . ( mucha )
We ate ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ candy yesterday . ( mucha )
Give me a ____________________ hours , please . ( unas pocas )
I put a ____________________ sugar in my coffee . ( Un poco )
She bought ____________________ clothes . ( algunas )
There aren't ____________________ lemons in the basket . ( niguno )
There is ____________________ school today ! ( nada )

We bought ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ groceries ( muchas )
Sarah got ____________________ bad news today ( algunas )
I like to drink my tea with a ____________________ honey ( un poco )
We got ____________________ candy for Halloween ( algunas )
There is ____________________ paper in the bathroom ( nada )