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1. Skill 43
cannot is it The afford it worst problem that he with
2. Skill 43
small had it a did because sweater buy it hole She in not the
3. Skill 43
Steve night saw at the and They me last after movies class
4. Skill 43
she working were and together you know project I that the not did on
5. Skill 43
He do to with party you mind is not going and me if you the
6. Skill 44
should able borrow to she, If coat borrows your hers you be then
7. Skill 44
parents Mary invited their new Mark and apartment see to their
8. Skill 44
notes in must and their information be ours proofed The
9. Skill 44
your jackets take heavy Please
10. Skill 44
trotting few its race a ago minutes horse the around track The won
11. Skill 45
I it Some we and movie about see wrote, afterwards went to critique a and a friends
12. Skill 45
to you you a welcome, try discuss to it you are problem If before have resolve with me it
13. Skill 45
small tapes excellent video produce these, size their recorders In of spite
14. Skill 45
people to who admire those problems solve their I are most The manage own
15. Skill 45
had must try week to time but you I, a forget it you about last know terrible