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Why has online shopping become so popular with so many people ?
To be honest , I understand why people like it , but I'm not sure why ( 1 ) ____________________ like it so much . I suppose the main reason must be that it's so easy and convenient . You can just relax at home , at work , ( 2 ) ____________________ , and do your shopping . Plus , ( 3 ) there is so much you can ____________________ on the ____________________ and , ( 4 ) most ____________________ , once you've paid , it quickly gets delivered to your door ( 5 ) ____________________ having the ____________________ of going to a ____________________ high street . So there are plenty of ( 6 ) ____________________ to online shopping . But , for me , ( 7 ) the ____________________ way to shop is always by ____________________ to the store itself and having a look at whatever it is you're thinking of buying . Also , you have the sales assistants to talk to , and they can ( 8 ) ____________________ and give you good ____________________ .