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More money might not mean more happiness

Would you have the kind of reaction you can see in this picture if you were suddenly given a lot of money ? It might seem greedy to want all this cash , but for some people there is nothing better than holding a wodge of notes . For them , life with money is much easier . Paying bills , eating in ____________________ restaurants , buying expensive ____________________ items ? these are all things you can do if you have the money . You don't have to worry about paying the rent every month . Each time you need to replace something in your home , like a washing machine ? no problem , you can pay for it . Money does make life easier in some ways .

But money does not always equal happiness in every situation . There are places in the world where people don't have much money , but they are still happy . They ____________________ do with what they have and don't need money to buy expensive things . And in the past , money wasn't seen as the key to happiness . For example , parents wouldn ? t buy expensive toys for their children . Instead , the children were ____________________ to play with things they found , like sticks and stones in the garden .

Today in the developed world however , money might be ____________________ to our happiness . Having to pay more and more for things means we place more and more value on each coin and note in our pockets . So , the amount we earn in our jobs becomes ____________________ to our opinions about happiness . When we earn more , we feel happier . When countries become ____________________ , there is usually improvement in education , lower child ____________________ , and longer life ____________________ . The problem with this is that there is only so much of these things that money can buy . Things can't keep ____________________ getting better continuously .

And is there a point at which money can make us ____________________ unhappy ? For example , high - paid jobs often come with a lot of stress . There is only so much pressure you can take before you might need to quit the rat race , however good the pay is . Not to mention that it is very difficult , maybe almost impossible , to define what happiness actually is .