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You´re doing this today
You're never ____________________ ____________________ again
We know this can't be ____________________
Hey , Hercky , move ____________________

We loved you ____________________
When you weren't ____________________ ____________________
So now it's time to leave
And deal on your own

We ____________________ that we can't take ____________________ ____________________
It ain't no lie
We wanna see you out that ____________________
Hercky , bye , bye , bye

Don't ____________________ be a ____________________ for you
Just ____________________ ____________________ in your game for ____________________
'Cause you may ____________________ ____________________ , but it ain't no lie
Hercky , ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________

Don't really wanna make it ____________________
We just wanna tell you that we had ____________________
It might ____________________ ____________________ , but it ain't no lie
Hercky , bye , bye , bye

Just stating only ____________________
Now , boy , you're more than welcome to
So give us one ____________________ ____________________
Hercky , come on

This ____________________ was for you and me
And now we really come to ____________________
That ____________________ would be ____________________ ____________________
Once you're gon e