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Step 1 : Watch the video The myth of Oisín and the land of eternal youth , available in <> . Accessed in May 16 , 2022 .

Step 2 : Complete the following definitions .

An Echtra ( plural ____________________ ) : is a type of Irish ____________________ about a hero's ____________________ in the Otherworld .

Fianna : independent bands of ____________________ .

Fionn ( ____________________ ) Mac Chumhail : ____________________ of Oisín and the leader of Fianna .

Oisín : was a great warrior ____________________ and the son of Finn Mac Chumhail .

Princess Niahm : a fairy immortal princess , who fell in ____________________ with Finn Mac Cumhail's son ____________________ .

Tír na NÓg : the ____________________ of youth .