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1 . For a person to enter into a contract , s / he must be ____________________ and ____________________ to do so .
2 . The supplier promises that the goods are in good ____________________ and ____________________ .
3 . The contract shall become ____________________ and ____________________ if the Employee works for another rival company during his employment .
4 . This Agreement ____________________ and ____________________ both parties and if one of the parties breaches any terms , s / he will have to pay damages .
5 . The film company has warned the distributor and required him to ____________________ and ____________________ from publishing the film copies without the company ? s consent .
6 . We promise that all the furniture is ____________________ and ____________________ and warrant that it is original .
7 . The dispatcher shall ____________________ and ____________________ the sea products in proper containers during the transport .
8 . The suspect ____________________ and ____________________ that he has embezzled the company ? s money .
9 . Without mutual consent , no terms or provisions can be changed , altered or ____________________ .
10 . Women should be able to choose any job without let or hindrance .
11 . I have read , ____________________ and signed this agreement and ____________________ .
12 . With this will , Mr . Homer Simpson wishes to give , ____________________ and ____________________ his immovable property to the foundation for children with leukemia .
13 . The goods will be ____________________ , transferred and set over by airliners .
14 . I leave my farm and the farmhouse to my son . I donate all the rest , ____________________ and ____________________ of my property to the organization for homes children .