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Jouer Compléter
Hands , ____________________ , mouth , and ____________________
are wonderful things , as everyone knows !
____________________ , eyes , ____________________ , and nose
are wonderful things , as everyone knows !
____________________ it , touch it ! How does it ____________________ ?
With my hands , I ____________________ what is real .
____________________ , ____________________ ! What can you ____________________ ?
With my ____________________ , I see you and me !

____________________ , ____________________ ! What can you ____________________ ?
With my ____________________ , I hear far and near !
Yum , yum ! How does it ____________________ ?
With my ____________________ , with my ____________________ , I chew and ____________________ !

____________________ , ____________________ ! What's that smell ?
With my ____________________ , I ____________________ very well !
____________________ , ____________________ ! What's that ____________________ ?
With my ____________________ , I smell very well !