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A : Do you think people work too much ____________________ .
B : Not really . I think people have always worked hard for a ____________________ . I mean it ? s never been easy for anyone has it ? You have to work hard if you want to achieve ____________________ in your life . That ? s just the way it is . And there isn ? t a lot you can do about it . Life has its ups and ____________________ . I think the best thing to do is accept that and get on with it .

A : What do you like to do to ____________________ ?
B : For me , there is only one way to relax and that ? s through ____________________ . I like to live on the edge , so I do a lot of extreme sports like ____________________ and deep sea diving . When you ? re in a dangerous situation , that ? s when you really feel alive . I think your attitude has a real impact on your ____________________ of life .

A : What ? s your idea of a ____________________ day ?
C : I don ? t think there is any such thing as a perfect day . Something always seems to happen to spoil it . Some people say I have a ____________________ attitude , if I plan a picnic with friends then either it rains or my friends decide not to come along . I think it ? s a waste of time making plans like that . Life can be full of ____________________ .

A : How would you describe your ____________________ to life ?
D : I have a very positive outlook on life . I think it ? s important to treat everyday as ____________________ and live life to the full . Some people approach everything as their class is half empty . If you do that , it will color ____________________ that you have . I think if you want to lead a happy life then you need to have a positive approach to everything .