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Volleyball is played on a ____________________ field of ____________________ by ____________________ meters . The attack line separates the front court from the back court and it is ____________________ meters from the net .
The ____________________ area is the area beyond the service line where the players ____________________ the ball .
The height of the net is ____________________ . ____________________ meters for men and ____________________ . ____________________ meters for women .
There are ____________________ teams of six players during a volleyball game .
There are different positions in volleyball : ____________________ hitter , ____________________ hitter , setter , middle blocker , center or middle hitter , libero and in most leagues of the USA ____________________ specialist .
The objective of the game is to win ____________________ sets up to ____________________ points and be at least ____________________ points ahead .
It is only permitted ____________________ touches of the ball . The first touch is known as a ____________________ or a ____________________ . The second one is known as a ____________________ and the third one is known as a ____________________ .
When the receiving team wins a point its players rotate ____________________ .