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It was nearly Christmas . Katie woke up and found that the world ____________________ white and magical . " Snow , " she shouted , " snow for Christmas . " She ____________________ outside and danced in the snow . Her brother Eddie came out too .

They ____________________ a big round snowball and a small one . They put them together and made a huge snowman . On Christmas Eve they looked at the snowman . He ____________________ at them . He was alive ! " Hello , " he ____________________ , " it's Christmas . Would you like a present ? " Yes please ! " The snowman waved his arms . Silver crystal snowflakes ____________________ the sky . It ____________________ so beautiful . " We must give you a present too , " ____________________ Katie . They ____________________ the snowman a carrot for a nose , a scarf for his neck , and a hat for his head . " Happy Christmas ! " they ____________________ .

The snow ____________________ and the sun came out . The snowman ____________________ to melt . " Goodbye , " he said . " Build me again nex t