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Plants reproduce from ____________________ . In the reproduction of plants , there are ____________________ different steps .

____________________ is when the ____________________ travels from the ____________________ of one flower , to the ____________________ of another . There are two types of pollination : animal pollination and wind pollination .
____________________ pollination : ____________________ are attracted to flowers and the ____________________ get stuck on their bodies .
____________________ pollination : ____________________ blows the pollen away .

____________________ is when the pollen enters through the ____________________ and reaches the ovules inside the ____________________ . Steps :
The fertilized ovule grows into a ____________________ .
The ____________________ fell off the flower .
The ovary develops into a ____________________ that contains the ____________________ .

____________________ is the process by which a plant grows from a ____________________ . There are four stages :
After the ____________________ has fallen down , small ____________________ start growing into the ____________________ .
A small ____________________ grows from the seed .
Two small ____________________ grow at the top of the stem .
More ____________________ and ____________________ grow . The stem grows stronger .