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Self awareness of deficits interview assesses intellectual awareness of physical - cognitive - behavioral - interpersonal barriers.

Change Awareness Questionnaire its stages are precontemplation - contemplation - action is adapted for users with TBI

Establish objectives according to the perception of occupational performance. Evaluating users with problems in their self-care - productivity - leisure

Maximum change within the user. Its 7 steps are: Identification of objectives and problem areas - Identification of specific target behaviors for the problem areas - Determination of methods to measure objectives - Selection of the level according to the test - Identification of performance levels - Review of objectives ensuring breakage - Attention to each objective for the calculation of the GAS result.

Client-centeredness of Goal Setting Questionnaire its function is to determine the importance of the customers located in the objectives.

Organizing goals in a community rehabilitation setting and an ecological validity

Traumatic brain injury causes reductions in motivation and decreased self-awareness.