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Fiona is in charge of a big party but she arrives late , in the middle of the preparations . Complete the dialogue by putting the verbs into the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous .

FIONA Hello , everybody . I ? m sorry I ? m late . I ____________________ ____________________ trying ( try ) to find a DJ but so far I ____________________ ? t found ( not , find ) one , though one ____________________ ____________________ ( promise ) to phone me later . ____________________ ____________________ all ____________________ getting on ( you all , get on ) with what we decided ?
KATE Well , Tim and I have been ____________________ ( make ) sandwiches ever since we arrived . So far , we ____________________ ____________________ ( make ) about 50 .
FIONA Charlie ? ____________________ you ____________________ ( you , manage ) to set up the sound system yet ?
CHARLIE Well , I have ____________________ ____________________ ( work ) on it all morning but there are a couple of technical problems that I ____________________ ? t ____________________ ( not , solve ) yet .
FIONA You look very hot , Mike . I suppose that ? s because you ____________________ ____________________ moving ( move ) the chairs and tables .
MIKE That ? s right . But I ? ve almost finished , and my sister ____________________ ____________________ ( wipe ) all of them so they are ready for use . ( RING , RING )

FIONA Oh , that ? s my mobile . Hello ? Yes , ____________________ have been expecting ( expect ) your call ? You can ? Oh , that ? s great ! ? See you about 9 o ? clock then . Bye !
FIONA Great news , everybody . That guy mentioned ____________________ ____________________ ( agree ) to be our DJ .