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1 . That book belongs to these kids . That book is ____________________ .
2 . This bicycle belongs to my neighbor Bill . This bicycle is ____________________ .
3 . This scarf belongs to my aunt Tina . This scarf is ____________________ .
4 . This toy belongs to you . This toy is ____________________ .
5 . This apartment belongs to me and my cousin . This apartment is ____________________ .
6 . These mittens belong to my mother . These mittens are ____________________ .
7 . Those cookies belong to my sister ? s friends . Those cookies are ____________________ .
8 . These suitcases belong to you and your wife . These suitcases are ____________________ .
9 . That pillow belongs to me . That pillow is ____________________ .
10 . That lamp belongs to my aunt and uncle . That lamp is ____________________ .