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1 . The heavy rain caused ____________________ in some areas of the city
2 . The ____________________ winter temperature in our area is around 10ºC .
3 . ____________________ ____________________ are made from decomposing plants and animals and found in the Earth's crust .
4 . Some plants need ____________________ in order to grow .
5 . Koalas have started to become ____________________ animals in the recent years .
6 . Some recycling plants are being caused of ____________________ their waste in illegal areas .
7 . Before recycling plants existed , our ____________________ was thrown into big ____________________ .
8 . Some grants are given to those who are placing ____________________ - ____________________ energy sources such as solar panels .
9 . One of the causes of the ____________________ ____________________ is that the ice from the poles is ____________________ .
10 . Some ____________________ use pesticides which contain ____________________ chemicals not only for people but also for animals .
11 . Two factory workers have died after apparantly being overcome by fumes in a suspected chemical ____________________ in an engineering factory .
12 . Recycling at home or using public transport are good ways to reduce your ____________________ ____________________ .
13 . You need fertile ____________________ in order to grow vegetables .
14 . Destruction of the ozone ____________________ results in an increase in the amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation .
15 . From the shore we saw a boat ____________________ after a big explosion .