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Jouer Relier Colonnes

Spain is a democracy and it is alto a monarchy, because the Head of the State is the King. France is also a democracy, but the main difference is that the Head of the State is the president of the republic.

Not always. There are democratic republics like France, but there are also authoritarian republics ruled by dictators, like China.

The EEC guaranteed free movements of goods, workers, capital and services.

The Spanish Parliament is called “Cortes Generales”. It is divided into two different chambers : Congreso de los Diputados and Senado.

Spain is divided into seventeen autonomous communities and subdivided into fifty provinces. Provinces are dividedintomunicipalities.

• The European Parliament: it holds the legislative power. The European Parliament makes the laws and is elected by all the citizens of the European Union. • The European Commission: it corresponds to the executive branch of the government. Its members are one commissioner from each EU country. • The European Council: it is composed by the Heads of State or the governments of the EU countries. Its function os to define general political guidelines. • The Council of the European Union: it is composed by ministers from each EU country. It represents the governments of the EU member states and coordinates their policies. • The Court of Justice of the European Union: this institution holds the judicial power of the EU. • The European Central Bank: This institution manages Europe´s single currency, the Euro.

France, Luxembourg, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Western Germany. So, the European Economic Community was founded.

defined by natural relieffeatureslike a mountainor a river. artificial frontiers defined by humans.

is the political limit between two territories

There are threebranches of thegovernment. In democraticpoliticalsystemseverybranchisheldbydifferentpeople. • Legislative: Itisheldbytheparliaments. • Executive: Itisheldbythegovernments. • Judicial:whichensuresthelaws are obeyed. ItisheldbytheCourts of Justice.

A welfarestateis a country thatguaranteeseconomic and social well-being of itscitizens.

A stateincludes four basicelements: territory, citizens, laws and thethreebranches of thegovernment.

6. What does the term “welfarestate” mean

Countries signed the treaties of Rome in 1957

8. Is the president of a republic always chosen democratically? Explain.

1. What is a border

2. Explain the different types of borders. Give an example of each one

4. Explain the six main institutions of the European Union.

6. What does the term “welfarestate” mean

Spain is divided into seventeen autonomous communities and subdivided into fifty provinces. Provinces are dividedintomunicipalities.

4. What elements does a state include

9. What type of state is Spain? How is it different from France? Explain your answer.

Which new aspects were introduced by the EEC for the member countries

5. Describe the three branches of government. What are their main institutions?