I think the Colombian artist Fernando Botero is by far the best.
No, I didnt go to the party. Oh by the way, did you talk to Mary Ann?
Our washing machine is out of order. we need to wash our clothes by hand.
Everybody can pay by credit card in that new store.
I loved singing French songs. I learnt the lyrics by heart.
Have you read a hundred years of Solitude by García Márquez?
Mary was sitting down by the window looking at the trees.
We shall meet at the car park by nine o'clock.
I'm really sorry. I sent you that message by mistake
By means without wanting to.
By far means much more than anything else.
By means created or written.
BY means near or next to.
By the way means start talking about something different.
By means without using a machine.
By means no later than.
By heart means you remember something without reading.
By means using.