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Spain occupies most of the ____________________ Peninsula , the Balearic Islands ( that are in the ____________________ Sea ) , the Canary Islands ( they are in the ____________________ Ocean ) , Ceuta and Melilla ( wich on the north coast of ____________________ ) . It is located in the ____________________ hemisphere , in the ____________________ - west Europe . It´s area can be of 505 370 ____________________ . The Atlantic ____________________ , the Mediterranean ____________________ and the Cantabrian ____________________ are around the ____________________ . Spain is the ____________________ largest country in ____________________ after Russia , Ukraine and France . The Peninsula , Balearic Islands , and Ceuta and ____________________ are in the Earth's ____________________ climate zone ; the Canary Islands are in the ____________________ zone . Spain has five different climate types ; Oceanic , Mediterranean Coastal , Mediterranean Inland , Subtropical and Inland . Spain has four natural landscapes wich are ; ____________________ ____________________ , Mediterranean forests and scrubland , Subtropical forests and Alpine landscapes . The mountainous ranges in Spain are varied . The ____________________ is divided into two regions ; Submeseta ____________________ and Submeseta ____________________ . There are a lot of rivers in Spain for example the rivers that lead in the Cantabrian Sea are Bidasoa , Nervio ? n , Nalo ? n . Rivers that lead in the Atlantic Ocean are Min ? o , Duero , Tajo , Guadiana , Guadalquivir and rivers that lead in the Mediterranean Sea are Ebro , Turia , Ju ? car , Segura .