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Image editing software provides advanced image editing operations like:

Image editing is considered:

Image editing is done for:

In digital image processing, image editing is basically categorized:

Image editing is done to create:

Pixel editing focuses on:

Image editing refers to:

Often, the tasks involved in image editing:

Parametric image editing focuses on:

Image editing software applications are:

into pixel editing and parametric image editing.

modifying or improving digital or traditional photographic images using different techniques, tools or software.

data compression, photo organization and selection of image properties.

the best possible look for the images and also to improve the overall quality of the image according to different parameters.

changing the appearance of the image without altering the original image.

a creative, artistic act.

removing unwanted elements, adjusting the geometry of the image, correcting for lens aberrations and sharpening or softening the image.

are repetitive and need intense processing.

altering the image by working at the pixel level.

also available for editing images.