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10 New Year's Resolutions You Probably Won't ____________________
January is the time some ____________________ us make New Year's Resolutions . We resolve , or ____________________ ourselves , that we
____________________ improve our lifestyle and become better people . ____________________ , we ____________________ fail . Here is a list of the 10 most
commonly ____________________ promises we make to ourselves ____________________ this time of year :
1 . Lose weight and ____________________ fit
2 . Stop smoking
3 . ____________________ something new
4 . Eat healthier and ____________________ ____________________ a diet
5 . Get out of ____________________ and save money
6 . Spend more time with family
7 . Travel to new places
8 . Be less ____________________
9 . ____________________ to help other people
10 . Drink less alcohol
____________________ you made any of these resolutions ____________________ 2014 ?