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Interactive Processing




Batch Processing

Thin Client

Allows multiple tasks to run concurrently, taking turns using the resources of the computer. This can mean running a couple of applications, sending a document to the printer and downloading a web page.

Is a simple computer that has been optimized for establishing a remote connection with a server-based computing environment

Is one where several users can use the same system together via a LAN. The CPU deals with users in turn; clearly the more users, the slower the response time.

Is a method of operating such that several programs appear to be running at once. The operating system switches jobs in and out of processor time according to priority.

Is where programs or data are collected together in a batch and processed in one go. Typically the processing of payrolls, electricity bills, invoices and daily transactions are dealt with this way.

Is where the tasks on the computer system require a continual exchange of information between the user and the computer system. It can be seen as the opposite of batch processing.