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Between the two governments of Alfaro , Leonidas ____________________ , a non - radical liberal , assumed the presidency . He established an alliance with the Andean ____________________ and allowed some ____________________ of Alfaro who were in exile to return , a situation that brought a division within the liberal party between radicals and moderates .

At the end of Alfaro's second presidential term in ____________________ , the general tried to make a pact with his successor ( Emilio ____________________ ) so that he would resign before assuming command . The opposition , upon learning of this , forced the general into exile again in ____________________ . Estrada died a year after taking power .

Alfaro's allies organized his return , and with armed groups , tried to take over the government . This ____________________ had a grim outcome : Alfaro and his supporters were imprisoned and ____________________ in a ____________________ manner in Quito in January 1912 .